
Inactive Leaderboard

A simple interactive ScoreSaber leaderboard for Germany, but with inactive players included. This makes it possible to see Germanys real player base. Filters such as only inactive players or sorting by inactive date, ranked ratio or HMD are also available. The database gets updated once every three hours. Inactive date is calculated using the last score uploaded. May not be accurate, as ScoreSaber makes player inactive 3 months after they haven't started the ScoreSaber plugin, not after they uploaded a score.

Multiplayer+ Tournament Score Overlay

Tired of TournamentAssistant constantly having issues with displaying the scores on stream? Switch to the Multiplayer+ Tournament mode and use this customizable overlay for better reliability. This overlay shows Score Points, Accuracy, Combo and Misses from players in a 1v1 match. Additionally, a classic 'Tug of War' is included, which shows a bar on the side of the player which is currently in the lead. This is especially handy for close matches where the bar is constantly switching between the players. A player's ScoreSaber and/or BeatLeader profile can also be a part of the overlay if enabled.

BSMP - Beat Saber Music Player

If you are like me and have thousands of maps downloaded, chances are, there are some jammers in it. This app picks out random songs from your Beat Saber Custom Songs directory and plays them using VLC. It shows you everything about the song that has been gathered by the .dat files next to the song and, in addition to that, also connects to the BeatSaver API to gather even more information like upload date or ranked state. Features include: A visualizer so you can see the song playing, direct links to the BeatSaver page and Preview of the map and a lot of useful settings to customize your experience.

Heatset Getter

Simple app to compare use of VR headsets of top players. Data is captured using the ScoreSaber API and displayed in a Windows Forms Application using a ListView. This makes it possible to color the data, which makes it easy to see everything on the spot. If you don't like the colors or you want to display the data in a graph, there is an option to export to .CSV so you can work on it even further using a spreadsheet software like Excel.

ScoreSaber Rankings

ScoreSaber Rankings Website, but implemented in C# using Windows Forms and the ScoreSaber API. The most important part is filtering and sorting. After loading the leaderboard, by clicking on the corresponding column header, you can sort the list. This makes it easy to find the player that, for example, has the most plays, watched replays or the highest ranked to non-ranked ratio.

Plugin Difference

A utility to find missing plugins for Beat Saber. Most useful after a large update of Beat Saber that broke all mods. Select your old plugins directory and your new one and the website will show how what plugins are missing and what plugins were added. You can find more technical information here as the script and backend code was created by ByteAlex.